『ラジオ英会話 ハートでつかめ!英語の極意(129) 10月10日(木)』 (2025)

ラジオ英会話 ハートでつかめ!英語の極意(129)



l I have to give you credit.


Emori-san, I haven’t seen you in ages. How are you?

I’m fine. You’re looking well.

Thank you. In your email, you said you had a surprise for me.

Yes, please come inside. It’s in the backyard.

The backyard? What is it?

You’ll see it soon.

What is this golden structure? It looks like Kinkakuji-temple.

Exactly. It is a one-tenth scale model of kinkakuji. It took me five months to build it.

Unbelievable. I have to give you credit. It looks just like the real one. Only smaller.

* one-tenth / two-thirds
 + scale


l In your email, you said you had a surprise for me.

l It took me five months to build it.


l I have to give you credit.

He brought me a bouquet of flowers.

He sent me a bouquet of flowers.

He made me a bouquet of flowers.

It took me five months to build it.

The restaurant charged us 15 dollars for seating.

We got a great one today for practice. It’s 授与型. Now after the verb we have two slots, ~に・~を. Alright. Let’s practice.


l A former student wrote me a letter. She got a job as a researcher. How wonderful.

l It took me a year, but I finally finished the book. I’m a very slow reader.

Um.. a former student wrote me a letter. She got a job as a researcher. It’s a big reward for teacher, right? -I think so. It’s a great feeling to hear from former students, but really, I’m just proud of the hard work they do. Rosa, maybe we should write Onishi-sensei a letter. What do you think? -That’s a great idea. I bet it’ll take him a year to read it.

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It’s never too late to start.


I’m getting bored with your strange humor.


Your clothes are very interesting. Are you two going to a costume party?

No. May I ask you something?

Of course.

What year is it?

Ah, you are testing my English. It’s 1865 in Western years.

Stop joking. It’s 2024.

You seem confused, madam.

That is beyond the next century.
By next century, you mean…

I believe it will be the 20th century.

That can’t be. I was born in the 20th century.

Please, I’m getting bored with your strange humor.


That can’t be true.

That can’t be right.

That can’t be.


l May I ask you something?

l I believe it will be the 20th century.


u I’m getting bored with your strange humor.
->be getting + bored
->get bored with

That looks great.

That sounds great.

That smells great.

That tastes great.

That feels great.

You seem confused.

You appear confused.

Nothing remains the same.

Nothing stays the same.

They got bored.

They became bored.

Alright everybody. It’s time to practice 説明型 overlapping. The feeling is A equals B. The 主語 equals the 説明語句. And the verb shows how they are the same.

Alright. Are you ready to practice? Repeat after us.


l Hey, the kids look bored. Why don’t we go for a drive or something?

l I want to stay young. Trying new things is how I do that.

l It’s getting dark. We should go inside.

I want to stay young.

You are young..

I want to stay young..

Oh, wait a minute.

I’m practicing! By the way, thank you so much.
Okay guys. It’s getting dark. We should wrap up the show.



ラジオ英会話 ハートでつかめ!英語の極意(127


  • The question is whether you should accept the invitation or not.


Derek, do you ever watch the Kelly King show?

Yes, sometimes. It’s the talk show, right? Why?

Well, I just got a phone call from them. They’ve invited you to be on the program.

Just me and not Bill?

Kelly already had Bill on the show before.

Yeah, I saw that one. Sure, I can do it.

No so fast, Derek. The question is whether you should accept the invitation or not.

Well, why I shouldn’t I?

Bill might not approve.


l Do you ever watch the Kelly King show?

l They’ve invited you to be on the program.
*invite … to be on the program


l The question is whether you should accept the invitation or not.

Our purpose is to collect information.

My hobby is to collect stamps.
My hobby is collecting stamps.

The problem is that we don’t have enough information.

This house is where I used to live.

Alright, it’s time for today’s practice and today, we’ll continue with the 説明語句

Are you ready? Let’s go.


l My concern is whether I have enough cash. I may need to use an ATM.

l Our hope is that you enjoy your time here. Let’s us know how we can help.

ラジオ英会話 ハートでつかめ!英語の極意(126)


Let’s fly through today’s lesson, like a momenga.


l He is a pilot.


You’re not from England, are you?

No, we’re not. We come from very far away.

Me too. I’m from Japan. My name is Kinzo. My name is Megan. Nice to meet you.

So, what are you going to order?

What do you recommend?

The steak and chips is very good.

Sounds great. I’ll get one for me, and one for Anton here.

Is he your husband?

Oh, no. He is a pilot.

Oh, he doesn’t look like a semen.


Hey David. Why is steak and chips singular?
Ah, that’s easy. Steak and chips is the name of a plate. So it’s one item. It’s one set. So, it’s singular. So not many.


l What are you going to order?

l He doesn’t look like a semen.


He is a pilot.

She’s a doctor.

He’s smart.

He’s in the kitchen.

We’re eating lunch.

=>Are you paying attention?

We weren’t seen anyone.

=>We equals seen by anyone.

It’s practice time. Alright. Today’s topic is 説明型. We’ll use the be動詞 here to mean equals. So the subject and the 説明語句 are the same or maybe not the same.

Let’s practice.


l My cat is an orang tabby. She has a lot of energy and loves to play.
*tabby トラ猫

l Sam is in a meeting right now. I’ll let him know you stopped by.

l Hadrian’s wall was built by the Romans. There are many Roman ruins all across England.


Hey Rosa, do you wear tabi?
Yeah, I wear black tabi, I wear blue tabi, I even wear orange tabi.

I don’t think that’s the right kind of tabi.

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What did Hiroki find?

Lots of seats.

A picture of someone he knows.

A new menu item.

Look who’s here.
putting up photos of themselves

Eat here

Recently at least

What did Aoi do on the weekend?

She went out with her grandparents.

She bought some sandwiches.

She went to the park alone.

You look like you go some sun

To help others is to help yourself

Why do the two people go to the park?

They are lonely.

They are hungry.

They are lost.

There are no cars here

Experience a time warp

Looks like + we are

Anything will do

Which of the following is true?

The man wants to buy something for his cat.

The woman thinks Umi loves to eat fish.

The man doesn’t like cat toys.

Might get bored with it quickly

I’ll have a look around


Hey, watching videos for long hours isn’t good for your eyes. Why don’t we go out and have dinner. I found a good sushi bar around the corner.

*すぐ近くに around the corner

Have you seen my wallet round here?

-You lost your wallet again? That’s the second time this month. Have you heard of that gadget that enables you to locate things from your phone? Why don’t you put one in your wallet?

Hey guys, what kind of videos do you like to watch?

As for me, I usually watch cooking videos. It gives me my inspiration for that night’s dinner.

How about you, Rosa?

You know, I don’t really watch videos anymore. When I feel like I want to watch something, I just go in my living room and look into the garden. It’s entertaining enough.

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l I’m looking for a birthday present.


Hello sir. How may I help you today?

Oh hi. I’m looking for a birthday present.

For your dog or cat?

Uh, for my cat, Umi.

Is Umi a he or she?

Umi is a she and she’s kind of picky.

How about this fish doll?

I don’t know I think Umi might get bored with it quickly.

Okay. Well, we have a wide selection of cat toys.

Thanks. I’ll have a look around.


l I think Umi might get bored with it quickly.

l I’ll have a look around.


l I’m looking for a birthday present.

Don’t run here.

Luna didn’t come to my party.

Come at me with all your might. *with all your might全力で

How did you come by this information? *come by 手に入れる

Alright, it’s practice time. Today, we’ll focus on 自動型. Let’s practice, okay?

*come at …かかっていく
launch oneself at someone to attack them:


Are you looking for someone? Perhaps I can help you find them.

I do not run. If I do, my needs will hurt for days.

I came by your name through a friend. He recommended you to me.


Hey David, you made example, I do not run. If I do, … right?

That’s right.

-Is that a real story?

-Actually, yes, it is. This happened to me a couple of years ago. I learned how important it is to stretch before you run.

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You may say I’m crazy, Sensei. But I have no idea what you’re talking about.


I can’t accept your explanation.


There are no cars here, Anton. Just horses and carriages. Lots of them.
You may say I’m crazy, commander, but I think we experienced a time warp.

I can’t accept your explanation.

Well, it sure looks like we’re in the 1800s. We should talk to somebody.

I’m hungry. Let’s find some place to eat. Maybe someone there can explain.

Look over there. It looks like a pub. They should have good food.

Anything will do. I’m starving.

Yeah, me too.

*time warp
* it sure looks like we’re in the 1800s. -> look like + sentence
*anything will do.


l You may say I’m crazy, commander, but I think we experienced a time warp.

l They should have good food.


Accept your explanation

l I can’t accept your explanation.

I like him.

I like to look at the stars at night.

We decided to buy a house. * decide to動名詞は後に来ない

Please stop talking. * stop + … ing

It’s practice time. Alright. Today’s practice will use and we’ll have verbs plus 目的語.
Okay, Let’s get do it! Repeat after us, everyone.


  • I got a new car. Want to go for a drive with me later.
  • My daughter decided to go to medical school. I’ll do my best to support her.
  • Please stop leaving your wet towel on the floor. Washing machine is right there.

Hey Rosa, you got a new car, right?

I did. Well, it’s not so new anymore, but I forgot how much fun driving is.
You know, I wish I had a new car..

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You are always first place in my heart.


l To help others is to help yourself.


Hi Renji. Wow, you look like you got some sun. * get sun 日焼けする
Do I? Well, I was running outside at the sports festival.

Did you win any races?

I came in second in one of them. How was your weekend, Aoi?

Pretty busy. I was spending time with my grandparents. They don’t get out much.

Really? What did you do?

I made sandwiches for them and we went to the park.

That’s great. My dad says to help others is to help yourself.

Your dad’s right.


l They don’t get out much.

l I made sandwiches for them and we went to the park.


l To help others is to help yourself.

Playing the guitar well takes practice. *the guitar

That you didn’t get hurt is a miracle.

Whether he agrees or not is key. * <> if は主語にはならない

Who you know is important.

Alright everyone, let’s jump into today’s practice. Let’s zoom in today on the subject position. Anything can be the subject if it’s in the subject position. Let’s practice. Alright, repeat after us.


  • l To fly to Nagasaki costs about 20,000 Yen. The flight is about two hours long.
  • l We might be able to visit you. Whether we have time will be the deciding factor.
  • l What you wear shows people your personality, it’s a big part of a person’s first impression.

Hey guys, what do you think my personality is like based on what I wear?

-What we think is irrelevant as long as you like what you’re wearing.
-I think maybe your wife chooses your outfits…

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Let’s get right to it.


She eats here almost every week.


Well, look who’s here. Hiroki! Long time, my friend.

Hi Carolyn, good to see you again.

Where have you been all this time?

Well, I’ve been busy with lots of things.

Have a seat.

What are all these pictures? Are these all your customers?

Yeah, they started putting up photos of themselves a few years ago.
Wait a minute. This is Barbara.

You know her? She eats here almost every week.

She does?
Yes, recently, at least.


  • Long time.
  • -> Long time no see. Good to see you again. Have a seat. Wate a minute.
  • Where have you been all this time?


She eats here almost every week.


She drives me mad.

You may ask questions.

You can ask questions.

You should ask questions.

The shop next to the post office sells Taiyaki.

What does this sign say?

Alright everyone. It’s time for today’s practice. Just like Sensei said the subject is the theme of the sentence and after the subject comes the verb or an adverb. Alright, let’s practice. -Just repeat after us.


  • He goes jogging every morning. Same time, same route, same outfit.
  • The automatic door at the front of the building stopped working. You’ll have to have to use the side door for now.
  • My car is telling me it needs gas. Be on the lookout for a gas station. Okay?


I go to the same restaurant. Same seat, same order, same price.

Where do you go?

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Where are the two people?

On land.

In the mouth of a monster.

Near the river.

That was quite a rough landing

It could have been much worse

The River Thames

Enough power to

What does Bob think about Jeannie’s paintings?

They are original and artistic.

They look artificial.

They would look perfect by his computer.

She’s sure to do a good job.

A fast painter

Isn’t everything

Artificial looking

What movie is Casper watching?

A movie of Umi.

A movie based on a novel.

A movie starring SK Jennings.

I doubt that

What movie?

That’s the one

A bit bard to follow

Which of the following is true?

The buildings look old-fashioned.

The commander has Anton’s smartphone.

Two people are watching a historical movie.

The phone in your pocket is yours, right?
watch out for that horse and carriage

Wat too real

Have traveled back in time


Did you hear that Cath and Ken got engaged?

-Wow, that’s good to hear. Cath is very pleasant to be with, Ken is a good guy, too. They are sure to make a great husband and wife. Let’s organize a party.

There is a frozen delivery scheduled to arrive tomorrow.

-Frozen delivery? Okay. I’m willing to stay home and work online tomorrow. Have a good time with your friends. I’ll go to the gyudon shop for dinner.


Hey guys. When you go out to eat alone, what kind of place do you go?
Well, I’m so bad at that. I almost never, but kaitenzushi?

How about you, Roza?
Well, when I used to live in Tokyo, yes, sushi was the place I would go to.

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Today’s lesson isn’t a huge historical theme park, but it’s gonna be just as fun. Let’s get to it.


The phone in your pocket is yours, right?


Let’s go to that tall building opposite the river.

It’s really old. In fact, all of the buildings are old-fashioned.

Maybe this is some huge historical theme park, or a movie set.

I’ll take some photos. Where’s my smartphone?

The phone in your pocket is yours, right?

Oh, right. Commander, watch out for that horse and carriage.

Oh, this can’t be a movie set. It’s way too real.

I agree. Maybe we’ve traveled back in time?

Come on, Anton. Stop joking!


  • The phone in your pocket is yours, right?
  • Stop joking!

*enjoy/finish/give up + ing


  • The phone in your pocket is yours, right?
  • We have enough power to move as a submarine for a while.
  • Have you learned anything about the man who wrote this letter?
  • That’s the one based on the SK Jenning’s novel.


What do you know about the man in this photo? Have you seen him before?

My house has enough space to live comfortably. There’s tons of storage space as well.

I’ve met the lady who made this sculpture. She said it took a year to complete.

Hey everyone. I want you guys to give yourself a round of applause for making it this far. You’re doing great. Keep going!
That’s right, everyone. Give yourself a big pat on the back. Great job.

a pat on the back

an expression of approval or congratulation


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Let's get ready to have some fun.

Let's get started.


  • The movie is a bit hard to follow.


Hi Gasper, I'm back.

Hi Lexus, I'm in here watching a movie with Umi.

Well, I doubt that she's watching the movie.

Actually, Umi was watching itfor a while. She's intersted in this movie.

What movie?

It's called school kid wizard.

Oh, that's the one based on the SK, Jenning's novel. I read the book a long time ago.

The movie is a bit hard to follow.

You should read the book.


  • What movie?

    -It's called school kid wizard.

  • that's the one based on the SK, Jenning's novel.


  • The movie is a bit hard to follow.
    <>It is a bit hard to follow the movie.

He's easy to please.

He's difficult to please.

He's tough to please.

He's impossible to please.

She's pleasant to talk to.

That's good to hear.

He's annoying to be round.

He's boring to be with.

Okay everyone, it's prctice time. Let's continue with our pattern of adjective plus to infinitive. Again, we're doing the same thing as before. The explanation comes at the end. Let's begin.


  • This machine is really easy to use. Just press the start button.
  • Ryan is impossible to talk to. He doesn't listen to anything I say.
  • Your parents are really fun to talk to. They are very interesting people.


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at the top

Let's get ready to go.

  • She's sure to do a good job.

Bob, Genie is working on a new piece.

What is she painitng this time?

It's a picture of everybody in our art class.

She's sure to do a good job.

I agree. She's a fast painter.

But speed isn't everything, sally. Just between you and me,her pantings are...artificial looking. 型にはまってるように見える

What do you mean, Bob?

I mean they look like they were painted by a computer.

But they're perfect.

Exactlly, they're too perfect.


  • What is she painitng this time?
  • Just between you and me,her pantings areartificial looking.
    *artificial looking 型にはまってるように見える
    to tell the truth
    Frankly speaking.


  • She's sure to do a good job.

It's sure to rain.

It's certain to rain.

It's likely to rain.

It's unlikely to rain.

The five o'clock train is bound to be packed. *be cound to きっと~する

He's inclined to waste money.

People are liable to gossip. * be liable to 縛ることができる=>傾向がある

Okay, for today's practice, we'll continue with our theme of combining adjectives and two infinitive. Are you ready to go?


  • Caleb issure tobeon time. He's never been late once in his whole career.
  • My dog is likely to jump on you. She gets very excited around new people.
  • Gina is inclined to wear suits. I think she prefers them overdresses.

Be sure to turn in next time. Keep doing your best and keep speaking all you can!

turn in


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Ready for today's lesson? - I know I am.


I'm ready to receive your orders.


That was quitea rough landing, Anton.

I could have been much worse, Commander.

Well, we landed safely, thanks to your piloting skills. What's our location?

We're the mouth of the River Thames.

Good. How are (our?) communications?

I'm getting nothing. There's no signal.

Strange... How about the engine?

We have enough power to move as a submarine for a while.

Fabulous. Why don't we go up the river and find a good place to get out?

Excellent plan, commander. I'm ready to receive your orders.


  • I could have been much worse.
    *could + have been ~した可能性がある
  • We landed safely, thanks to your piloting skills.
    Thanks to you I missed the last train.


  • I'm ready to receive your orders.

He's keen to begin.

He's eager to begin.

I'm happy to give you a hand.

I'm willing to give you a hand.

*willing to してもかまいません <> happy to 喜んで

Be careful not to leave anything behind.

Alright, it's time for today's practice. Let's start with an adjective today. And then let's give extra information baout it using to不定詞. Our two infinitives. Alright? Repeat after us!


  • Are you ready to be amazed? This will be a night you will never forget.
  • I spoked to Eliot earlier. He's willing to pick us up after the concert.
  • Be carful not to go off the path. There are protected wildflowers growing here.
    *go off the path


ラジオ英会話 ハートでつかめ!英語の極意(115)

Are you deady to review?

I know I am. It's time for the review.

Who wote the letter.


A samurai who taught English.

A man who travel to England.

back then

in secret


Which of the following is true?

Roxy got lots of sleep on the flight.

Grandpa will by some fresh fruit.

Grandma is at home.

need to freshen up a bit

how you've grown

get you home


here comes your grandmother now

What does the S in SK Jennings stand for?




It's my pleasure to welcome to the show.

that's what the S stands for

sold millions of copies

never imagined it in my wildest dreams

Which of the following did Yosh not ask barbara?

Whether she finished her workout or not.

Whether the car is hers or not.

What she does for living.

I do work hard at my job


You shouldn't go out with him. He's not a good guy.

-Who are you to tell me who to go out with. You broke up with me. I love him so much. And he loves me too. Don't ever call me again.

Who are you to tell me who to go out with.

Are you on your way?

-Hi I ran to the station after work only to find the last train had left already. Don't worry. I will take the first train and meet you at the gate at 10.

I ran to the station << the last train had left already


Hi guys. Have you ever missed the last train?

Oh, of course. I think it's a necessary part of the human experience.

Actually, last year, I missed the last train from Nico to Tokyo because I got on the local train going in the opposite direction. There was not hotels or anything in the area but thankfully my friend came and picked me up by car and took me in time to get the last Sinkansen.

A friend in need is a freind indeed, right?


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You must not be rich to drive such a car.

You must be rich to drive such a nice car.


Hi Barbara.

Oh, hi Yoshi. Sorry, I didn't see you.

Did you finish your workout already?

Yes, I had an early start today.

Is this your car?
That's right.

Wow!You must be rich to drive such a nice car.

Well. I do work hard at my job.

Okay, I won't ask you what you do for a living. I know it's rude to ask such questions.

I appreciate that. Anyway, have a nice workout! Bye!


  • You must be rich to drive such a nice car.
    .... + to .... ~するなんて....
  • I appreciate that.


  • You must be rich to drive such a nice car.
    .... + to .... ~するなんて....

He mustbe brave to say such things.

You must be crazy to believe that.

Who are you to tell me what to do?

Roza, I have a problem. -What's that? -See I have this to不定詞 and I want to use it to add extra information but I don't know where to put it. -After the 動詞句. -That's right. Okay, let's practice.


  • You must be cazy to think I'll agree. That idea will never work.
  • Alen says this is the best option. Who are you to question him?
    Let's be careful with phrases like "Who are you to" because it sounds like you are angry and maybe picking a fight.
  • That was a bold move. You must be very brave to do that or very foolish.

Who are you to tell me what to do?
Who are you to tell me what to do?

Oh, wait ... -I'm practicing, of cource. -You must be very brave to do that or very foolish.


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Isn't it a little early for turtlenecks?


  • Did you always know you would grow up to be a famous writer?


It's my pleasure to welcome to the show, Best-selling author SK Jennings.

Thak you Kelly.

Should I call you Mr. Jennings?

Please call me Sam.

Ah, that's what the S stands for, right?

Yes. Samuel and the K stands for Kentworth.


Sam, your fantasy novels have sold millions of copies worldwide.

Itstill surprises me.

Did you always know you would grow up to be a famous writer?

Kelly, I never imagined it in my wildest dreams. I just liked reading books.

*never ... in one's wildest dreams
never in (one's) wildest dreams
Not in any point in time that one has ever imagined.


  • Please call me Sam.
  • That's what the S stands for, right?
    -> TheS stands for ...


  • Did you always know you would grow up to be a famous writer?

We got to know each other quickly.

We opened the box to find it was empty.

She applied for a job only to be rejected.

I left my hometown, never to return. (そして)二度と~しなかった

Alright. Practice time. Hmm.. Rosa, I need your help. I have this extra information this to不定詞, but I don't know where to put it. Where does it go.
It goes in the end! After the 動詞句? After the 動詞句. Alright, now I got it. Let's practice. Let's go!

  • My cousin grew up to be a surgeon. She used to be so clumsy as a kid.
  • As I get older, I'm getting to understand the importance of good posture.



Hey guys. My grandma used to say, Don't slouch.

She was right. Sit up straight, Sensei.



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Me three.

  • I'm excited to start my new year in university.



Roxy! I'm so happy you're here. Welcome back.

Where's grandma?

She needed to freshen up a bit. She'll be back shortly. How was your flight?

It was fine. I slept a lot on the plane.

My.. how you've grown Rox. You're a lovery lady now.

Thank you, grandpa. I'm excited to start my new year in university.

Let's get you home first. Are you hungry?

Oh, here comes your grandmothernow.

freshen up
To improve one's appearance, typically by making quick changes to one's makeup, clothing, etc.


  • I'm so happy you're here.
  • Here comes your grandmothernow.


  • I'm excited to start my new year in university.

Please to meet you. I'm Olivia.

She's embarassed to be late.

I'm frustrated to have to start over.

Alright everyone. You know the routine. Today we'll use to不定詞 to give extra information and where does extra information go? That's right. Aftert the 動詞句.


  • I'm surprised to see you here. I didn't think you liked art galleries.
    * art gallery
  • Vanessa is excited to go to Guam. She's never left the main land US before.
  • Danny will be happy to know you're safe. I'll call him and give him the news.

Hey guys, have you been to Guam?

Oh, I've been there once just for a couple days. I couldn't do everything I wanted to, though.
I've never been. How about you?

I've been there, I wanted to go fishing and getmarlin. カジキ


ラジオ英会話 ハートでつかめ!英語の極意(111)

I think he found his switch, yeah.


  • He went to England to learn English and other things.


Aki, have you learned anything about the man who wrote this letter?

Yes, Brendan, I found a lot of information onthe internet.

Like what? Who was this Kinzo?
He was a samurai born in Japan at the end of the Edo period.

That would be in the middle of the 19th century. Correct?

That's right. He went to England to learn English and other things.
I didn't know Japanese people could travel abroad back then.

Well, I don't know the details but apparently he left Japan in secret.


*information uncountable

in secret: 場所や状況を伴い、行為そのものが秘密であることを強調
secretly: 行為者の心の内面的な秘密を表し、場所や状況を伴わないことも可能


  • Have you learned anything about the man who wrote this letter?
  • I didn't know Japanese people could travel abroad back then.


  • He went to England to learn English and other things.

I came here to learn.

I meditate in order to reduce stress.

Be careful so as to avoid mistakes.

Okay everyone, it's practice time. By now, I hope you figured out the pattern. Put it after the 動詞句. So To不定詞 as well. -As usual, repeat after us.


  • I use the AC to lower the humidity in my house. It makes a huge difference in this heat.
  • Sally quither old job to work at her family's business. She took over her mother who retired.
    *quit quit quit
  • We need to see your IDin order toprevent fraud. We appologize for the inconvenience.


I'm a bit worried. -Yeah, me too. I hope they're okay.

『ラジオ英会話 ハートでつかめ!英語の極意(129)  10月10日(木)』 (2025)


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Name: Stevie Stamm

Birthday: 1996-06-22

Address: Apt. 419 4200 Sipes Estate, East Delmerview, WY 05617

Phone: +342332224300

Job: Future Advertising Analyst

Hobby: Leather crafting, Puzzles, Leather crafting, scrapbook, Urban exploration, Cabaret, Skateboarding

Introduction: My name is Stevie Stamm, I am a colorful, sparkling, splendid, vast, open, hilarious, tender person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.