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THE CHARLOTTE OBSERVER Tuesday November 28-1989 36 rt 0 1277 here's No Off-1' am For Offspring By LINDA BROWN Staff Wrttar FORT MILL Could it really happen twice in two weeks on the same highway? Indeed 1-77 has been the birthplace for another baby And the mother was another Fort Mill area woman It was only recently (7:25 am on Nov 12) that Jeff Sochko helped his wife Lisa deliver their son Benjamin Kyle in the backseat of their Alfa Romeo sports car The Tega Cay couple made it all the way to 1-77 near Gold Hill Road before pulling over for the delivery When faced with the same situation Larry Perry of Fort Mill just kept driving As he did his wife Jimmie gave birth to 6-pound I 3-ounce Seth in the front bucket seat of his mother's Chrysler New Yorker The delivery ended about 7:30 am Saturday Like the Sochkos the Perrys were having their second son They already have a 2-year-old son Eli so Jimmie Perry knows how labor feels But she'd been sent home Thursday after spending seven hours at Charlotte Memorial in false labor Medical workers thought it was false labor again when she went back to the hospital at 3 am Saturday She was sent home again "Both of us are in the medical profes sion and usually medical emergencies don't phase us but this time it did" Jimmie Perry said Jimmie Perry 34 is a lab technician at Memorial and Larry Perry 30 is a lab technician at the Nalle Clinic in Charlotte When Jimmie Perry felt the baby coming as they neared the 1-77 SC Welcome Center she reclined the seat removed her pants and covered her body with a short jacket "I was hysterical" recalled Larry Perry "But I was a quiet hysterical because I didn't want to upset Jimmie She would say 'I've got to push' And I would say 'Oh God you can't There's no way you can push This baby can't be born in a car Babies have to be born in a hospital' "I realized there was a certain point where you had to do something" she said "It's like did it instinctively" Somewhere' near Remount Road Jim mie Perry announced that the baby's head had appeared She felt his shoulders as the car reached East Boulevard and the rest arrived as the couple turned down Scott Avenue approaching the emergency room "When I pulled him out I said 'it's a boy' then I laid him down on my stomach and covered him up with mt jacket" Jimmie Perry was amazed at how calm she was tg 11 4 Kidnapping Conviction Appealed Waste Legislation Could Mean End To Plant In SC Witness Says Money Was To Aid iOwn Case Case Wasn't Proved Adviser Lawyer Says 57a -4 7f r-ip twill :2 i 0 on 0: i Associated Press Bailey represents Gabriel Taboada 34 of Barranquilla Colombia Childs accused Taboada last week of arranging two half-ton shipments of cocaine in 1988 and 1989 The $367000 was part of about $740000 Taboada paid him for the half-ton shipment in 1988 Childs said Bailey cited a statement Childs made to the FBI that he was paid about $500000 and accused Childs of trying to hide about $240000 Childs' wife Lynn also testified Monday She her husband and four others pleaded guilty and agreed to testify for the government against Taboada and four others Associated Press CHARLESTON David Childs testified Monday he sent his lawyer to dig up $367000 in cash buried in his backyard to use as leverage in his plea bargain on charges of smuggling a ton of cocaine Defense lawyer Lee Bailey however suggested Childs tried to mislead the government about the amount of money buried so that Childs and his lawyer Robert Howe could keep some of it "You authorized him (Howe) to go get some for himself didn't you?" Bailey asked Childs denied that accusation He said that soon after he hired Howe they decided the only way Childs could help himself was to cooperate with the government and turn over all of his assets "We thought it would give us a better posture to turn over the money in my wife's name" he said "That's why Mr Howe went to get the money" A Beaufort County sheriff's deputy saw Howe and a Charleston bail bondsman Aug I in the yard of Childs' home on Hilton Head Island They had a shovel and there was evidence of digging The FBI later unearthed a foam cooler packed with cash HAMPTON agislation calling for a greatly reduced cap on the incineration of infectious medical waste could force the closure of a plant that handles up to 100 tons of medi- csaai dwaste daily its managers State Reps Doug McTeer D-Jasper and Charles Sharpe Carolina R-Aiken prefiled legislation Nov 15 to limit the amount of Watch medical waste a commercial incinerator could burn to 25 moloolosommis tons per day in 1990 Under the bill limits also would be set for succeeding years based on estimated amounts of generated waste McTeer said the volume of medical waste incinerated daily in South Carolina is causing problems at landfills and turning the state into a dumping ground "I think we need to be saying in South Carolina that we're going to limit the amount of waste we dispose of to what we generate" he said McIeer said state health officials estimate 23 tons of medical waste is generated in the state daily Officials of Southland Exchange Joint Venture of Hampton said the bill would limit "the capacity of the burning of medical waste to an arbitrary and capricious level" Wolf Breeding Program A Success OCEAN SPRINGS Miss Officials with the Gulf Islands National Seashore say that rare red wolf pups could be staying longer than planned on Horn Island southeast of Biloxi Although two breeding pairs of wolves were decimated in refuges in South Carolina and Mississippi the red wolf breeding program was a success overall this year according to research biologist Ted Simons The female of the Horn Island wolves died after giving birth to seven pups Another breeding pair on Bulls Island part of South Carolina's Cape Romain National Wildlife Refuge produced four healthy pups before both adults died The researchers actually ended up with 11 healthy pups rather than the three or four pups they expected Simons said The adult female wolves on both islands died of natural causes and the male wolf on Bulls Island died after Hurricane Hugo Simons said Controlling Interest Edgar Hawkins of Columbia runs his radio-controlled car on the sidewalk of State House grounds in Columbia on Monday Hawkins who built the car said he likes to pass his lunch hour running the toy vehicle in different areas around town She told Bailey she saw Taboada pay her husband during a trip to New York but that she thought and still thinks the amount was about $500000 The government' seized the half' ton of cocaine smuggled to the Childses' Hilton Head home itf' July with the help of Richard Johnson a charter boat captain' and former drug addict who was a crew member on the trip to pick up the cocaine He was working for the FBI By LYNN INGRAM Soothe Correspondent An appeal was filed Monday in the case of a Bennettsville man sentenced two weeks ago to life in prison for kidnapping Bennettsville attorney Frank Cain filed the appeal on behalf of William Smith 25 also known as "Squirt" Circuit Judge Luke Brown sentenced Smith to life Nov 16 in the Marlboro County Court of General Sessions The jury deliberated nearly eight hours before it found him guilty Smith will be eligible for parole in 10 years Cain said he hoped the appeal would overturn the verdict "Frankly I'm not convinced it was kidnapping I don't think they (prosecutors) proved kidnapping" Cain said Smith was charged with kidnapping Roger Murray of Bennettsville allegedly because Murray owed Smith $800 for some cocaine Cain said During Smith's trial Murray testified that Smith and two other people came to Murray's house and demanded the money Murray who admitted he did owe money for the cocaine testified that he told Smith he didn't have the money Murray testified he entered a car with Smith while Smith pointed a gun in the air He also said he was left alone in the car for 15 to 20 minutes and was free to leave Further testimony indicated Murray's mother whose name was unavailable later paid Smith $800 Murray was then released Cain said Monday he felt the kidnapping charge wasn't proved since he believed Smith never pointed his gun at Murray and because Murray testified that he was free to leave the car Cain said he has not been retained as Smith's attorney but has been designated by Brown to advise Smith Charlotte Black Teacher's Dismissal Criticized SC Official Calls Firing Unwise North Carolina Gastonia Man Killed In Wreck A 28-year-old Gastonia man died Monday morning when his car hit a Charlotte-Mecklenburg school bus in a sharp curve on Toddville Road The bus driver and one of the dozen West Mecklenburg High School students aboard bus No 764 suffered minor injuries Charlotte police Officer JW Lard said the accident happened when a 1982 Datsun driven by Arthur Lee Workman came around the sharp curve in the 1900 block of Toddville Road in the wrong lane Bus driver Patricia Ann Conners 44 saw the car coming and yelled for her passengers to brace themselves The bus left skid marks more than 42 feet long There were no skid marks behind Worlunan's car It hit the front of the bus and he died at the wreck scene Wildlife Group's Director To Speak The head of the nation's largest environmental organization will head the list of speakers at the Charlotte Chamber's second annual NCSC environmental school Wednesday through Friday in Charlotte The National Wildlife Federation's Jay Hair a former NC State University administrator will be the keynote speaker at 7 pm Wednesday Top environmental regula- tors in both Carolinas will ad- dress one of the two states' most chronic problems air pollution 4 It at a 12:30 pm luncheon panel Friday Both events and the school will be at the Marriott City Center at 100 Trade St For more information call A Vivian a Welborn at the Char- lotte Chamber from 9 am to 5 pm at (704) 378-1325 Late registration will take place from Hair 4 to 6 pm Wednesday at the Marriott SC Man Sues Domino's Pizza After Wreck Lawyers Unsure Of Venue Request FAYETTEVILLE Lawyers for James Clifton Gibbs charged with pushing his wife and her friend off a cliff at the Blue Ridge Parkway say they haven't decided whether to ask that his trial be moved from McDowell County because of publicity Gibbs 38 of Fayetteville is accused of pushing his wife Helen Bumette Gibbs 30 and Susan White Haire 32 of Ladson SC off the Chestoa View Overlook on the Blue Ridge Parkway in October 1988 A hearing on a defense re- quest for a change of venue was scheduled Monday in McDowell County Superior Court in Marion but Gibbs lawyers said it was delayed Gibbs' first trial on two counts of first-degree murder Gibbs which was moved to Catawba County at the request of his attorneys ended in a mistrial after the jury deadlocked last June Associated Press CONWAY The state human affairs commissioner has criticized the firing of a teacher who became involved in a boycott of the high school football team as "unwise untimely and legally tenuous" James Clyburn who angered blacks in September by dismissing their charges of racism in replacing a Conway High School quarterback with a white teammate said the firing of teacher HH Singleton was unrelated to his investigation "1 personally feel that the school board's decision to suspend him in the first place was unwise untimely and legally tenuous" Clyburn said Sunday "1 see the firing the same way" Singleton president of the Conway chapter of the NAACP and a teacher at Conway Middle School helped black Conway High football players boycott the team after quarterback Carlos Hunt was replaced in August Schools Supt John Dawsey suspended Singleton on Aug 29 and the school board upheld his decision Nov 18 dismissing Singleton from his science teaching post Board attorney Bruce Davis countered Clyburn's criticisms saying that despite the commission's rulings against the board I I 'I I I 1: Ii the schools have never lost a bias case in court "The Human Affairs Commission's involvement is just a preliminary administrative investigation" he said "There's never been a judicial determination of racial discrimination in any Horry County administrative decision' Singleton's firing has escalated the conflict dramatically Last week more than 100 black students boycotted their classes in support of Singleton as marches and protest rallies intensi- fled Local state and national NAACP officials have declared "war" on the city and school board and say they will not stop protesting until Singleton is reinstated and Dawsey is dismissed The Human Affairs Commis-' sion chartered to "prevent crimination and to foster mutual understanding" investigated the quarterback switch and found no evidence it was racially motivated Clybum said the ruling has been wrongly seen as an exoneration of the Horry County school administration Clyburn said he tried to get thi' board to lift Singleton's suspen-" sion in the hope that Singleton could have been shifted to air administrative position A 4 or Suspects Edited by Ben Perkowski Continued From Page IC drivers pedestrians and others last year But he said that accidents were bound to happen in such a large fleet believed to be 75000 to 80000 drivers In the Rock Hill wreck rescue workers used inflatable pumps to hoist the car off Bradley who was trapped under the wreckage The suit seeks $23 million for the injuries and mental anguish Bradley suffered and $100 million in punitive damages Curtis Bradley said he had no other choice than to "lay the motorcycle down" as the car pulled in front of him "It was really gruesome believe it or not" Bradley said Tuesday night "I was really hurting My back was tore open more or less" Bradley said he has trouble eating because of pains in his jaw that resulted from the injury Bradley told rescuers he believed he was doomed "That's exactly what I said" he said Tuesday "It seemed like I was going to be there forever" Sumter Wants To Annex Part Of Base Continued From Page IC Bonds Set least 50000 residents it becomes a Metropolitan Statistical Area Sumter officials hope population growth in the city and county in recent years will meet both In Carolinas Drug Sweep Sumter's population was 28740 in 1986 the latest year figures were available making it the eighth largest city in the state Sumter County's population was 96700 as of 1987 according to Census Bureau estimates The MSA designation also is used to rate cities when national retail and restaurant chains considerlocating a new franchise In addition to aiding Sumter economically the annexation could bring the city and Shaw closer together Sumter Mayor Steve Creech said Monday particularly in light of the 1991 celebration of Shaw's 50-year Joining the ranks of metropolitan statistical areas Sumter becomes an "entitlement city" and is allotted annual federal grants it otherwise has to compete for with other small cities Once a county has 100000 residents and one of its cities has at No New Abortion Bills Yet Prefi led By Lawmakers By LYNN INGRAM Comspoodent Bonds were set Monday for five Chesterfield County residents and several other suspects in a three-county drug raid Police and agents from I 3 Carolinas counties Sunday confiscated cocaine homes weapons and a safe filled with cash and jewels The highest bond was set at $400000 for a Page land man Bobby Gene Home Home 49 was charged with trafficking in cocaine and marijuana conspiracy to traffic in cocaine and marijuana and possession with intent to distribute cocaine Bond was also set for four other Page land residents: Shirley Knight Horne 43 charged with conspiracy to traffic in cocaine and marijuana distribution of marijuana and possession with intent to distribute marijuana Bond: I 00000 Timothy Gene Home 23 charged with trafficking in cocaine conspiracy to traffic in cocaine and marijuana and possession with intent to distribute marijuana Bond: $100000 Dawn Watkins Humphries 30 charged with conspiracy to traffic in marijuana and possession with intent to distribute marijuana Bond: $25000 Ricky Lynn Johnson Ms charged with conspiracy to traffic in cocaine and possession with intent to distribute cocaine Bond: $150000 Also arrested Sunday on Ches terfield County warrants were Nelson Charles Helms charged with simple possession of marijuana and Harold Walter Airington charged with possession with intent to distribute marijuana and possession of marijuana Both were released Helms on $237 bond and Airington on $400 bond Bond was set at $250000 for Joseph Earl Smith 38 of West Columbia who was charged with conspiracy to traffic in marijuana and possession with intent to traffic in marijuana Four Lancaster men were arrested during Sunday's raid: Jerry Knight 33 distribution of marijuana released on bond David Pardue 41 simple possession of marijuana $500 cash bond Robert Alton Sapp Jr of Lancaster charged with conspir acy to distribute $100000 Tommy Francis Whi- taker 35 three counts of distribu: tion of cocaine and one count each' of possession of marijuana with intent to distribute and distribui Zion of marijuana Bond: $40000: Continued From Page IC January lawmakers will pick up on bills introduced last session Bills that do not pass both the House and Senate before adjournment next spring must be refiled again in 1991 The ongoing debate he said concerns "what strategy to use in the second year of a two-year session what bill you fall back to that might receive a consensus opinion" "And that's been complicated by what's happened in the recent elections" he said Thomas said he expects to file later a so-called "informed consent" bill requiring women be given information about the dangers of abortion before the procedure Keyserling though says the momentum has moved at the State House in the direction of supporting abortion rights "There is just a tremendous change in the climate for those legislators who are not committed one way or the other I think that it is because they really did not hear from the silent constituency" she said referring to those opposing abortion restrictions "Now they know there are a lot more people on the other side" doctors to tell women drugs could help ease pain to the fetus during the abortion The bill has been approved by a House committee and now awaits second reading in the House before heading to the Senate A fetus viability bill The bill would forbid abortion of a viable fetus except to save the life of the mother A doctor would have to determine the viability of the fetus at 20 weeks gestation Abortion methods most likely to preserve the life of the fetus must be used and a second doctor must be present to care for fetuses born alive Fair introduced the bill which is now before the House Judiciary Committee A husband consent bill Currently a husband's permission is required during abortion of a fetus in the third trimester if the husband and wife are living together at the time of conception Fetal disposal The bill now in the Senate Medical Affairs Committee would require the state Department of Health and Environmental Control to develop regulations for the disposal of fetal tissue Of the live abortion-related bills before the legislature the so-called "parental consent bill" for teenagers seeking abortions appears to have the best chance of passing next year state lawmakers say The bill already passed by the House and now before the Senate requires permission of either parent or a circuit or family court before girls under the age of 17 can obtain an abortion Current law requires a minor under 16 to have parental consent The Supreme Court has said such absolute requirements are unconstitutional although it left room for options such as the one under consideration by the General Assembly The only exceptions allowed are in cases of incest medical emergency or when the minor is unconscious as a result of battery The House rejected rape as an exception to parental consent Other bills already before the General Assembly affecting abortion include: A so-called "fetal pain bill" by Rep Mike Fair R-Greenville The bill would require.
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