Very slow malaria pathogens could be suitable as a vaccine (2024)



Scientists from the Heidelberg Medical Faculty at Heidelberg University, the Center for Infectious Diseases at Heidelberg University Hospital and the German Center for Infection Research have successfully tested a new approach for a malaria vaccine in animal experiments: As a vaccine, they used genetically modified malaria parasites that developed normally in the mosquito but at a significantly slower rate in the mouse. When later infected with unmodified pathogens, the rodents were protected from severe illnesses and typical malaria symptoms did not occur. The results have just been published online in the journal EMBO Molecular Medicine.

Vaccinations against the tropical infectious disease malaria are the subject of intensive research worldwide. However, there is currently no vaccine that is sufficiently reliable and affordable. Scientists from the Heidelberg Medical Faculty at Heidelberg University, the Center for Infectious Diseases at Heidelberg University Hospital (UKHD) and the German Center for Infection Research (DZIF) have developed a new approach and have already successfully tested it in animal experiments. They used genetically modified malaria parasites, which multiplied so slowly in mice after transmission by mosquitoes that the animals' immune system was able to fight them successfully. An immune memory was formed that protected the vaccinated animals to varying degrees from severe symptoms during subsequent malaria infections. The findings could support the development of reliable vaccines in the future.

Dr. Julia Sattler, the first author of the now published paper, was looking for a way to prepare the immune system for an infection with plasmodia in the best possible way. “The pathogen develops from the so-called sporozoites, which are transmitted through the mosquito bite, via liverstages to those in the blood, which cause the severe symptoms. Therefore, a complete “harmless” infection should work best, better than, for example, individual protein pieces of the pathogens,” she says.

Slow development activates the immune system sustainably

Research in a gene database helped in the search for a “harmless” Plasmodium parasite: half of the parasite's approximately 5,000 genes have already been decoded and described to a certain extent. It is known which of these genes could influence the speed at which the parasite develops in the blood. The team succeeded in generating 17 lines of the rodent parasite Plasmodium berghei, in each of which one of these developmental genes was switched off. Some of these lines actually developed significantly slower, but largely normally in the mosquito and the liver of infected mice. Two lines were successfully combated by the mice's immune system. “These two main candidates for a vaccine were also the slowest lines. They took around three to four times as long to develop and multiply as unmodified Plasmodia,” says Dr. Sattler. The slowest line achieved the safest vaccination effect: in subsequent infections with unmodified pathogens after three, six or twelve months, none of the vaccinated animals died; they were either completely protected against malaria or developed only mild symptoms that healed on their own.

Transmission to humans challenging

The team led by Professor Friedrich Frischknecht, research group leader at the Center for Infectiology at the UKHD and scientist in the DZIF research field “Malaria and Neglected Tropical Diseases”, is currently working on transferring the method to humans. The researchers have already produced two lines of the human malaria pathogen, Plasmodium falciparum, with a slower growth rate. However, Plasmodium falciparum does not reproduce in mice. “Although we can produce the genetically modified human infecting parasites, they do not go through their complete development cycle in the laboratory. This makes it difficult to filter out the most suitable variants. So far, we have been using blood and cell cultures, but this is hardly comparable to the situation in living organisms,” says Prof. Frischknecht. “We think our approach is promising, but there is still a long way to go before we can test it on humans. Nevertheless, it is already providing us with valuable information for the development of reliable vaccines.”

Reliable vaccine urgently needed

Around 250 million people contract malaria every year, around 95 percent of them in Africa. More than 600,000 die from it every year, mainly children under the age of five. The pathogens are transmitted by mosquitoes and initially infect liver cells in the body. There they develop into an aggressive form that invades red blood cells, where it multiplies en masse and destroys the blood cells. This causes the often life-threatening symptoms of malaria: recurrent fever attacks, anemia, vascular occlusion and even organ failure and coma. Sooner or later, the pathogens develop resistance to medication. A vaccination would be better. But current vaccination approaches using fragments of certain pathogen proteins or degenerated complete parasites either offer only unsatisfactory protection against severe courses of the disease or are too expensive.


Sattler JM, Keiber L, Abdelrahim A, Zheng X, Jäcklin M, Zechel L, Moreau CA, Steinbrück S, Fischer M, Janse CJ, Hoffmann A, Hentzschel F, Frischknecht F; Experimental vaccination by single dose sporozoite injection of blood-stage attenuated malaria parasites; EMBO Mol Med Aug 5 2024, Epub, doi10.1038/s44321-024-00101-6

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Prof. Dr. Friedrich Frischknecht
Center for Infectiology - Department of Parasitology
Heidelberg University Hospital
Heidelberg Medical Faculty at Heidelberg University
Phone: +49 6221 56-6537
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Very slow malaria pathogens could be suitable as a vaccine (2024)


Why is the malaria vaccine not available? ›

The malaria parasite is complex, making it much more difficult to develop a vaccine than usual. But at the heart of the issue, especially in recent decades, was a lack of financial incentive and urgency. Malaria primarily affects the global poor, whose ability to spend on healthcare is limited.

Why is malaria so difficult to treat with a vaccine? ›

The main difficulties were the malaria parasite's (P. falciparum) extremely complex biology, life cycle and genome in addition to the parasite's evasion of the human immune system and the absence of sterile immunity to the disease [10]. It is noteworthy that parasites are difficult to develop vaccines against.

Why should it be possible to develop a vaccine against malaria? ›

However, an ongoing challenge is that Plasmodium falciparum – the most serious of the species that can cause malaria – can become resistant to these treatments. This prompted scientists around the world to collaborate to develop a vaccine against Plasmodium falciparum.

What type of vaccine is the malaria vaccine? ›

It is a recombinant vaccine, consisting of the Plasmodium falciparum circ*msporozoite protein (CSP) from the pre-erythrocytic stage.

Can malaria be vaccinated? ›

Key points. Two malaria vaccines are currently recommended for use in children living in moderate to high malaria transmission areas. Current malaria vaccines reduce uncomplicated malaria by ~40%, severe malaria by ~30%, and all-cause mortality by 13%.

Why is it so difficult to develop a vaccine against malaria Quizlet? ›

So if the vaccine is effective against limited genetic versions, then some will be eliminated by the immune system but not others. This is a major problem in developing an effective vaccine against malaria because it makes it difficult to eliminate the parasite from the body.

Why do malaria vaccines fail? ›

We believe that the host immune responses are fundamentally altered due to previous exposure to malaria infection itself and is responsible for the immune hypo-responsiveness to vaccine.

Is the malaria vaccine successful? ›

A new malaria vaccine has protected children under the age of 1.5 years against infection with an efficacy of 68%-75% in a phase 3 study. The highest level of vaccine protection was observed in areas with seasonal malaria.

What is malaria vaccine limitation? ›

A number of vaccines in the malaria pipeline have similar challenges/limitations due in part to the complex biology and life cycle of Plasmodium and the immunological interplay between the parasite and host.

What are the problems in malaria vaccine development? ›

The results of Plasmodium genome sequencing predict that it contains about 5 300 proteins. Therefore, the immune response spectrum induced by existing subunit malaria vaccines based on one or several protective antigens is relatively narrow, and theoretically it is difficult to induce good protective immunity.

Why is it hard to prevent malaria? ›

Malaria is a difficult disease to control largely due to the highly adaptable nature of the vector and parasites involved.

What is the impact of malaria vaccine? ›

In the multicentre phase 3 trial, among children aged 5–17 months at the first dose who received three vaccine doses, the incidence of clinical malaria was reduced by 56% and the incidence of severe malaria was reduced by 47% over 1 year; among children who received a fourth dose (18 months after the third dose), the ...

Is malaria a vaccine or medication? ›

There is no vaccine, only preventative anti-malaria drugs and mosquito bite avoidance.

What is the coverage of the malaria vaccine? ›

The vaccination coverage for one dose was 88%, 71% and 69% in Malawi, Ghana and Kenya, respectively, in 2020 and 92%, 76% and 81%, respectively, for April to June 2021. Vaccination coverage for 3 doses was 80%, 74% and 72%, respectively, for April to June 2021.

How a vaccine against malaria could reduce the spread of the disease? ›

TBVs prevent the transmission of malaria by inducing antibodies against antigens present on the sexual stages of the parasites, which develop in the mosquito midgut, and thus block their development in the mosquito.

When will malaria vaccine be available? ›

Under the four-year agreement, UNICEF expects to begin delivering the R21/Matrix-M vaccine in mid-2024, with immunizations beginning in the same period.

Is there an FDA approved malaria vaccine? ›

There is no FDA-licensed vaccine against malaria or a test to detect the presence of malaria parasites in blood donors. Therefore, the FDA strategy for reducing the risk of TTM is to defer potential blood donors based on their travel or residence history in endemic areas in countries where malaria is transmitted.

What are the problems with malaria vaccine distribution? ›

A major obstacle to improving malaria vaccine coverage in Africa is the lack of vaccine accessibility. Many African nations lack the infrastructure, like good remote access roads, and resources to effectively deliver and distribute vaccines across rural areas where malaria is endemic.


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