Very slow developing malaria pathogens could be suitable as a vaccine (2024)

A mosquito feeding on blood. Malaria pathogens enter the host's skin with the mosquito's saliva. Please use image only in connection with this press release. © Universitätsklinikum Heidelberg/Antonio Lenzen

Scientists from the Heidelberg Medical Faculty at Heidelberg University, the Centre for Infectious Diseases at Heidelberg University Hospital and the German Center for Infection Research have successfully tested a new approach for a malaria vaccine in animal experiments: As a vaccine, they used genetically modified malaria parasites that developed normally in the mosquito but at a significantly slower rate in the mouse. When later infected with unmodified pathogens, the rodents were protected from severe illnesses and typical malaria symptoms did not occur. The results have been published online in the journal EMBO Molecular Medicine.

Vaccines against the tropical infectious disease malaria are the subject of intensive research worldwide. However, there is currently no vaccine that is sufficiently reliable and affordable. Scientists from the Faculty of Medicine at Heidelberg University, the Centre for Infectious Diseases at Heidelberg University Hospital (UKHD) and the German Center for Infection Research (DZIF) have developed a new approach that has already been successfully tested on animals. They used genetically modified malaria parasites that proliferated so slowly in mice after being transmitted by mosquitoes that the animals' immune system was able to fight them successfully. An immune memory was formed that protected the immunised animals to varying degrees from severe symptoms during subsequent malaria infections. The findings could support the development of reliable vaccines in the future.

Dr Julia Sattler, DZIF scientist and first author of the recently published paper, was looking for a way to prepare the immune system for an infection with plasmodia in the best possible way. "The pathogen develops from the so-called sporozoites, which are transmitted through the mosquito bite, via stages in the liver to those in the blood, which cause the severe symptoms. Therefore, a complete 'harmless' infection should work bestbetter than, for example, individual protein fragments of the pathogens," she says.

Slow development activates immune system in the long run

Research in a gene database helped in the search for a "harmless" Plasmodium parasite: half of the parasite's approximately 5,000 genes have already been decoded and described to a certain extent. It is known, which of these genes could influence the speed of development of the parasite in the blood. The team succeeded in cultivating 17 lines of the rodent parasite Plasmodium berghei, in each of which one of these developmental genes was switched off. Some of these lines actually developed at a significantly slower rate, but largely normally in the mosquito and the liver of infected mice. Two lines were successfully combated by the mice's immune system.

"These two main candidates for a vaccine were also the slowest lines. They took around three to four times as long to develop and multiply as unmodified plasmodia," says Dr Sattler. The slowest line achieved the safest vaccination effect: in subsequent infections with unmodified pathogens after three, six and twelve months, none of the vaccinated animals died; they were either completely protected against malaria or developed only mild symptoms that healed on their own.

Transfer of the method to humans challenging

The team led by Prof. Friedrich Frischknecht, research group leader at the Centre for Infectious Diseases at the UKHD and scientist in the DZIF research area Malaria and Neglected Tropical Diseases, is currently working on transferring the method to humans. The researchers have already produced two lines of the human malaria pathogen, Plasmodium falciparum, with a slower growth rate. However, Plasmodium falciparum does not reproduce in mice.

"Although we can produce the genetically modified human-infecting parasites, they do not go through their complete development cycle in the laboratory. This makes it difficult to filter out the most suitable variants. So far, we have been using blood and cell cultures, but this is hardly comparable with the situation in living organisms," says Prof. Frischknecht. "We think that our approach is promising, but there is still a long way to go before we can test it on humans. Nevertheless, it is already providing us with valuable information for the development of reliable vaccines."

Reliable vaccine urgently needed

Around 250 million people contract malaria every year, some 95 per cent of them in Africa. More than 600,000 die from the disease every year, mainly children under the age of five. The pathogens are transmitted by mosquitoes and initially infect liver cells in the body. There they develop into an aggressive form that invades red blood cells, multiplies there en masse and destroys the blood cells in the process. This causes the often life-threatening symptoms of malaria: recurrent bouts of fever, anaemia, vascular occlusion and even organ failure and coma. Sooner or later, the pathogens develop resistance to medication. A vaccination would be a better solution. However, current vaccination approaches using fragments of certain pathogen proteins or degenerated complete parasites offer either only unsatisfactory protection against severe cases or are too expensive.

Source: Press release of the Heidelberg University Hospital

Very slow developing malaria pathogens could be suitable as a vaccine (2024)


Very slow developing malaria pathogens could be suitable as a vaccine? ›

Scientists have successfully tested a new approach for a malaria vaccine in animal experiments. They used genetically modified malaria parasites that developed normally in the mosquito but at a significantly slower rate in the mouse.

Has a vaccine for malaria been developed? ›

GlaxoSmithKline Biologicals' RTS,S/AS01 became the first malaria vaccine to receive a WHO recommendation for widespread use on October 6, 2021.

Why is it so difficult to develop a vaccine against malaria? ›

Vaccines against parasites are difficult to develop because the human immune response to parasites is unique, due to their complicated life cycle and the immune escape mechanisms expressed by different parasites.

Can we develop a vaccine for the fight against malaria? ›

The first malaria vaccine, RTS,S, was recommended by WHO to prevent malaria in children in October 2021. The vaccine has reached nearly 2 million children in Ghana, Kenya and Malawi through the Malaria Vaccine Implementation Programme, MVIP, since 2019.

Why did it take so long to get a malaria vaccine? ›

The malaria parasite is complex, making it much more difficult to develop a vaccine than usual. But at the heart of the issue, especially in recent decades, was a lack of financial incentive and urgency.

Can you get vaccinated for malaria? ›

Both the R21 and RTS,S vaccines are shown to be safe and effective in preventing malaria in children and are expected to have high public health impact.

Why is it so difficult to develop a vaccine against malaria Quizlet? ›

So if the vaccine is effective against limited genetic versions, then some will be eliminated by the immune system but not others. This is a major problem in developing an effective vaccine against malaria because it makes it difficult to eliminate the parasite from the body.

What are the challenges in malaria vaccine development? ›

After combing, it was found that there are three main problems in the development of malaria vaccines: 1. The unique biological characteristics of malaria parasites; 2. The protective immune mechanism of malaria vaccines is not yet clear; 3.

How does vaccination prevent malaria? ›

The hypothesized mode of action of this vaccine is to induce circulating antibodies to circ*msporozoite that would prevent the load of sporozoites from reaching the liver and in addition stimulate T-cell response to promote the destruction of infected liver cells to further impede intracellular parasite development.

Why can't we cure malaria? ›

Malaria is a difficult disease to control largely due to the highly adaptable nature of the vector and parasites involved.

What is the success of malaria vaccine? ›

Both RTS,S/AS01 and R21/Matrix-M are circ*msporozoite protein-based vaccines administered as three primary doses, followed by a booster. RTS,S/AS01 has an efficacy of 36% against clinical malaria in children aged 5–17 months.

Can you develop immunity to malaria? ›

Immunity to malaria develops relatively slowly, is not sterile and is often said to wane quickly when immune adults leave malaria-endemic regions, which suggests that continued exposure to malarial antigens is required not only for the generation of memory cells and effector cells but also for their persistence.

Is the malaria vaccine approved by the FDA? ›

There is no FDA-licensed vaccine against malaria or a test to detect the presence of malaria parasites in blood donors. Therefore, the FDA strategy for reducing the risk of TTM is to defer potential blood donors based on their travel or residence history in endemic areas in countries where malaria is transmitted.

Why has it been difficult for scientists to develop a vaccine for malaria? ›

The Plasmodium species are protozoan parasites – meaning they're eukaryotic cells, with similar complex cellular structures and life cycles to those found in the human body. Compared to the relatively basic structures of bacteria, this complexity made developing a Plasmodium vaccine much more of a challenge.

What is the most advanced malaria vaccine? ›

On October 6, 2021, the World Health Organization (WHO) recommended RTS,S/AS01, the world's first malaria vaccine, for use in children at risk of malaria caused by Plasmodium falciparum.

Why is it difficult to develop an effective malaria vaccine in UPSC? ›

b It is difficult to develop an effective malaria vaccine because repeated natural infection does not produce detectable resistance to exo-erythrocytic cycle of malaria in man.

Have they found a vaccine for malaria? ›

The R21 vaccine is the second malaria vaccine recommended by WHO, which approved or 'prequalified' its use in December 2023. It works similarly to the RTS,S vaccine by targeting the sporozoite of the malaria parasite.

Is there an approved malaria vaccine? ›

Malaria vaccines are vaccines that prevent malaria, a mosquito-borne infectious disease which affected an estimated 249 million people globally in 85 malaria endemic countries and areas and caused 608,000 deaths in 2022. The first approved vaccine for malaria is RTS,S, known by the brand name Mosquirix.

What is the new malaria vaccine technology? ›

R21/Matrix-M™ was co-developed by the University of Oxford and Serum Institute of India, leveraging Novavax's Matrix-M™ adjuvant technology. In December 2023, the WHO granted R21/Matrix-M™ prequalification status, following a rigorous regulatory process and clinical assessment.

When was the first malaria vaccine produced? ›

RTS,S background and evidence

RTS,S was created in 1987 by scientists at GSK. Early clinical development was conducted in collaboration with the Walter Reed Army Institute of Research. A first-in-human study was conducted in US adults in 1992, and the first trial in a malaria-endemic country began in 1998.


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